I am assuming that the status quo is that puzzle-type questions are off-topic.
In my opinion, looking at data from an existing language (natural or constructed) and attempting to determine the rule that describes the data is a good source of inspiration and an interesting sort of puzzle.
I would enjoy trying to solve puzzles like this if they were acceptable to post here, and I'm wondering if others would too.
With that in mind, is it acceptable to post linguistics puzzles of sorts using a natural or constructed language and ask others to determine what the rule is?
For instance, here's a puzzle that involves working out, based on some given data, how Yaqui word order works https://lingclub.mycpanel.princeton.edu/challenge/yaqui.php
The prototypical example I am thinking of would involve guessing a rule rather than completing a puzzle by matching stuff.
For instance, the following Khoekhoe data might make / might have made an interesting puzzle since using pronouns as nominalizers is a) unusual and b) extremely consistent and elegant.
I'm not thrilled about referencing my own answer, I'll edit this question with other examples from other users when I find some.
1a) saa=ts ge ra |khii
you=2ms DECL TAM come
You (m) are coming.
1b) om=s ge (a) kai
house=3fs DECL TAM big
The house is big.
1c) saa=ts ge (a) gao-ao
you=2ms DECL TAM king
You are a king.
1d) saa=ts ge (a) Petru
you=2ms DECL TAM Peter.
You are Peter.
1e) om=s ge (a) nee.
house=3fs DECL TAM this
The house is this one.
1f) tii=ta ge (a) saa
I=1sg DECL TAM you
I am you.
1g) tara=di ge a !nona
women=3fp DECL TAM three
The women are three.
1h) om=s ge a tii
house=3fs DECL TAM mine
The house is mine.
Link to original source and my answer citing it.
Some arguments against permitting this type of question, off the top of my head:
- It has no value to anyone other than the question asker.
- It might flood the site if permitted.
- It's logistically annoying.